收藏: Silver Obsidian

Silver Obsidian, an enchanting variety of volcanic glass, features an ethereal sheen of silver or grey against a dark, glassy backdrop. This captivating visual effect is created when small gas bubbles become trapped in the molten lava during the rapid cooling process, causing light to reflect in a silver-toned sheen.

Metaphysically, Silver Obsidian is associated with the powers of protection, introspection, and divination. Its protective qualities are believed to shield one from negative energies and psychic attacks. It's often employed as a grounding stone, forming a bond between the user and the energy of the Earth, providing stability and balance.

Silver Obsidian is also known as a mirror stone, thought to reflect one's inner self, including their flaws and weaknesses. This attribute makes it an excellent tool for self-discovery and personal growth. It encourages introspection, supporting the process of recognizing and releasing negative patterns that may be holding one back.

In some spiritual circles, Silver Obsidian is used for the practice of scrying or divination. The stone's reflective surface is used as a portal to access other realms, offering glimpses into the future or past, or even into the hidden recesses of the mind.

Associated with the third eye chakra, Silver Obsidian is believed to enhance psychic abilities, intuition, and perception of the subtle energies around us. It may also help to clarify the mental state, alleviate confusion, and promote a clearer understanding of oneself and the world.

In a nutshell, Silver Obsidian is a multifaceted stone, offering protective and grounding energies, insights into one's true self, and an enhanced sense of psychic perception. Its mesmerizing silver sheen, set against the backdrop of dark obsidian, makes it a visually appealing addition to any crystal collection, as well.

Silver Obsidian - www.Crystals.eu