مجموعہ: Red Tiger Eye

Red Tiger Eye, sometimes known as Ox Eye or Bull's Eye, is a variant of Tiger Eye that exhibits a captivating, rich red-brown color due to its heat-treatment, transforming the iron within the stone from yellow to red. This semi-precious gemstone is mostly found in South Africa and Western Australia.

Metaphysically, Red Tiger Eye is celebrated for its energizing qualities, primarily linked with the base or root chakra. It's considered a stone of motivation, believed to combat lethargy and provide a much-needed boost of vitality, making it a great ally when you're feeling low on energy or when facing challenging situations.

On an emotional level, Red Tiger Eye is said to instill confidence and enhance self-esteem. It's thought to encourage a positive attitude and a zest for life, helping one to embrace change and pursue their passions fearlessly.

From a personal standpoint, Red Tiger Eye is believed to aid in focusing the mind and promoting mental clarity. It's often used as an aid in decision making, as it's said to help sift through the clutter, prioritize tasks, and make practical and unclouded decisions.

In a spiritual context, Red Tiger Eye is seen as a protective stone, believed to ward off negative energies and create a barrier against ill wishes or curses. It's also thought to enhance psychic abilities, grounding higher energies to the earthly plane, and promoting a deeper connection with the vibrational power of the Earth.

In essence, Red Tiger Eye, with its warm, radiant glow, symbolizes vitality, self-confidence, clear decision-making, and spiritual protection. As a symbol of energetic dynamism and grounding protection, it's a perfect companion for those seeking motivation and clarity in their life pursuits.

Red Tiger Eye - www.Crystals.eu