Gold Obsidian, known also as Golden Sheen Obsidian, is an intriguing variety of obsidian which boasts a golden sheen against a deep black backdrop, created by gas bubbles aligning across the layers during its formation. This captivating stone is often turned to for its protective qualities, believed to shield against negativity and help one to discern the truth in a situation.
It's a favored gemstone among those looking to enhance their personal power and embark on deep inner work. The glimmering effect of Gold Obsidian is not just beautiful to the eye; it’s also said to illuminate the path of self-discovery and personal development.
For those interested in the metaphysical, Gold Obsidian is often associated with the solar plexus chakra, the energy center connected to self-esteem and personal strength. It's said to help clear away self-doubt and encourage one to embrace their full potential.
Whether as a stunning piece of jewelry or a palm stone to carry with you, Gold Obsidian can be a unique and powerful addition to any crystal collection. It's not just a stone, but a companion for those seeking to walk in their truth with confidence and protection.
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Turquoise pendant – Unique S
Tatjana Makovskaja
Все отлично, жалко только то, что нельзя выбрать ширину браслета. Да он тянется и сильно, но в таком состоянии причинял дискомфорт. Пришлось самой купить резинку и насадить камушки на больший диаметр резинки.
Peridot bracelet – 3-4mm
Vanja T
I loved it!
I got a really nice crystal, and it was bigger than I expected. The crystal vent very well with the rest of the things I bought. Overall 10/10
Free crystal, gift for you
Ella Wöll
Kyanite – Raw
Kyanite – Raw
Kathryn Janis
I loved my crystal
I love my free crystal. It's a beautiful tigers eye. If you want to send me more I'd love to review them