Energy work: What Is It, Really?

Energy work: What Is It, Really?

I’ve met so many different people in my life, and I often wonder if energy work—sometimes called in Lithuanian language Perkūnas—might be related to their ways of thinking. As we delve into energy work, let us begin at the roots of these ideas.

Per-kūnas” is just a word, like any other, that attempts to convey some meaning. Literally, it means “through the body,” which could be synonymous with “soul” or “spirit,” though perhaps it has a more precise nuance. It’s nearly impossible to explain it fully, but maybe, by speaking as one physical body to another—and not as Perkūnas itself—I can come close to the truth.

There is you as a body—a biological machine with a brain capable of seeing, deciding, and reacting. The body is sacred, an incredibly advanced structure whose internal processes surpass any modern technology we know. At the same time, the soul cannot reside in today’s robots, because it operates by a completely different principle. Yet the body can be easily affected by substances such as alcohol or other drugs that cloud or weaken its awareness.

Then there is you as Perkūnas—your soul or spirit, the observer behind the observer. Your body is merely your image, a reflection of your light.

The Body as a Clay Jar

We, as a whole, are more like an idea—like the universe itself. We are the ones who created reality. We’re all part of the same whole, and yet each of us is different in our own way. Our “pilots,” our souls, are unique. We are eternal and participate in an unending process of creation. Our ideas ultimately shape reality.

Our bodies are also creations—they’re like clay jars: valuable in themselves, but their greatest importance lies in the space inside. Without that inner space, the jar would be neither useful nor complete. Similarly, while our physical form is an extraordinarily perfect mechanism, our true essence lies in the invisible inner space that can be called the soul, Perkūnas, or spirit.

Beyond the Physical: Perkūnas

Perkūnas, the spiritual aspect, cannot be influenced by physical means. As long as the body perceives only what it can see, hear, and feel in the material world, Perkūnas sees further. It’s like diving into crystal-clear water: suddenly, everything becomes clear. In that state, I can see other people’s Perkūnas and communicate directly with their spirit.

Nevertheless, each one of us has had a taste of this—like turning around suddenly because you sense someone watching you, or receiving a phone call right after thinking about a certain person: “Oh, I was just thinking about you!” It’s the same phenomenon, only much deeper and stronger here, with information flowing without words or any tangible medium. Time feels different there, and when I’m in that state, my body drifts into a dreamlike reverie.

When direct contact with the soul is blocked, with eternal love and care it still strives to send us signals. These could show up in external signs (like seeing 3:33 on the clock), in dreams that convey very direct messages, or in the intuitive voice of the heart. Some people use pendulums, sensory deprivation tanks, symbols, numbers, or other methods to better understand the world. Crystals, notably, are among the most effective tools we have to recalibrate the body and influence energy so it becomes cleaner and calmer. They’re some of the few true instruments that help us remember who we are and teach us in a way that truly works.

All these methods are simply attempts to hear the soul’s call, because it is constantly seeking ways to reach us and guide us.

To truly recover and reconnect with the soul, it may be necessary to retreat from the hustle and bustle of daily life and immerse oneself in nature for an extended period, such as four to five years. This time away from people allows for deep healing and recovery. Engaging in regular meditation during this period provides the body and mind the space to think clearly and reconnect without external distractions. By embracing solitude in the natural world and dedicating oneself to mindful practices, the soul can effectively realign and rediscover its true essence.

Once upon a time, we were all whole and knew everything—until the arrival of the Possession and so-called “blocked ones,” or “robo-humans,” who worshipped superficial things and recognized only the physical body, seeing nothing beyond it. They began to commit acts toward each other that were nearly unimaginable, eventually enslaving the world.

Society, Control, and Forgotten Identity

The issue is that we, as physical beings, have daily responsibilities. Society seeks control and demands that we work—or risk being left without even our most basic necessities. Meanwhile, our true selves would rather be still and contemplate. Over time, we forget who we truly are.

Throughout history, some souls have tried to free humanity from this illusion by encouraging people to reconnect with their true selves. Often, these souls were misunderstood or attacked, and their teachings were distorted for short-term, selfish gain. This served as a warning for others not to follow the same path. In this way, those in power twisted their words to maintain authority.

When people consume intoxicants—alcohol, nicotine, caffeine—the body is chemically influenced, causing them to lose touch with their true selves even more. A healthy body can better receive and interpret signals from the spirit, whereas an unhealthy one becomes a pilotless machine, running on autopilot and disconnected from its true spiritual guide.

Are We All Gods?

So, is there one God, or are we all gods?
We are all gods. We are the universe, and each of us is an equal participant in it. None of us is inherently better or worse—only different. Each of us carries a piece of the divine within. So why do religious or societal teachings often claim otherwise? Perhaps for external control, or maybe it’s a half-truth that has been twisted over time.

One way to look at it is that you are the god of your own existence—your individual path is most important in this solitary dance with others, and you should ultimately unite with your inner divinity rather than worship something external. But perhaps truth is singular yet very complex. A person who has always lived in a hot climate might not believe water can become solid ice; to them, water is always fluid and gentle. Even if truth is singular, it doesn’t mean it’s simple.

In a world that tries to separate bodies from souls, someone who manages to reconnect the two may feel a strong need to protect this knowledge, saying, “Listen only to me,” to prevent it from being distorted. Indeed, many people twist the truth for personal gain, but such gain is fleeting. Our physical bodies will die, and with them, all illusory profit vanishes.

Living Fully, Guided by the Heart

Yet live as long as you can, and stay as healthy as possible. Death is not an escape and will not help you. Be kind, and let your heart guide you for as long as you can. A path guided by the heart is the only one truly worth taking, the only one that brings lasting fulfillment. Once you walk that path, you’ll never want to go back.

Listen only to the one God — that quiet, gentle, subtle voice you carry in your heart, the one everyone else tries to silence out.

Perhaps there is a single Source, and we are its rays. Some of us begin to notice this and share it with others. My own soul feels like a healing soul: I can help restore part of that connection for others so they can experience it for themselves, rather than merely hearing me talk about it. I don’t even like to talk much; once you connect directly with yourself, words become unwieldy and lose their power.

Maybe, in time, I can fully help another person return to their true self.
Perhaps I could even do it from a distance, or on a large scale—like a warm, cleansing rain that washes away our pain and illusions. If that happens, maybe the cycle of imprisonment in the body will finally end, and we will awaken to who we really are. Before my time runs out.


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