I invite individuals to pen genuine reviews about their experience with me.
They are at liberty to express their feelings, observations, and recount the events as they unfolded.
As time ebbs away, these shared reflections become my cherished memories, preserving moments that might otherwise fade.


Pregnancy and Birth, New beginning

Thank you so much Linas. Thanks to your healing sessions, I managed to have a calm third trimester of my pregnancy and an amazing birth. In my third trimester and specifically on my 33rd week, a midwife said that they will send me for a growth scan because they thought that baby is small. When I went to the first growth scan, they also said that baby is smaller than expected and sent me straight away to monitor baby's heart rate and baby's movements for 45 minutes. I was really stressed, I panicked, I cried and I just wanted to hear that baby is safe and is fine.

After an hour we saw the consultant, who said that baby appears small but healthy so they recommend a second growth scan after two weeks. I straight away texted Linas and asked for his help. He came home and did a healing session for me.

I managed to connect with the soul of the baby during the session with Linas. I started communicating with her. I could see everything, I could see she is growing all fine and that she is okay, safe and happy. Whatever questions I had, I was asking and getting the answers. Linas was like a channel or an instrument through which I managed...

...to connect with God, my higher self, and the soul of my baby. This gave me such an inner peace, such a confidence and self-belief and faith. Thanks to the session, I managed to trust my body, to trust baby, and to trust nature’s process of creation and life.

In two weeks' time, it was time for the second growth scan. When I went there, the consultant told me that baby is small and that the amniotic fluid around its head is smaller than expected and that my placenta is not working properly. They offered me an induction in two to five days. They said that baby is not safe to continue the pregnancy and that they are not sure it will survive the birth if we don’t induce me in two to five days.

Thanks to the sessions with Linas, I was completely calm. I did not panic, I did not cry. I was calm knowing that baby is safe and fine as I have communicated with her. I rejected an induction. I said to the consultant that I do not agree with an induction and what options I have. She said it is really risky not to accept the induction, but she said she will give you a third scan and CTG monitoring (baby’s movement and baby’s heart rate).

I was really confident with what I accepted and what I rejected, thanks to Linas. In the session with Linas, I saw the baby in me completely fine and happy, and I trusted my intuition, God’s love, and help. I rejected all further scans and just accepted one more CTG to monitor baby’s heart.

Similarly, I rejected an induction, further scans, and further CTG. I did not go to see the consultant any more. What I did is that I trusted my process, my intuition. I trusted that baby knew best when to arrive in this world and trusted that she is safe and happy in me...

...The day that I should have been for extra scans and CTGs, I went for a walk. I went to the place I love being next to the sea. I was walking all day. I was next to the ocean and I was walking with my partner for 8 km. That night I did what I love doing – I went dancing. In order for my contractions to start naturally, I should be calm and do the things I love so that the hormone oxytocin is being produced from my organism. Thanks to the session with Lina, I managed to be calm and happy, confident to trust myself and baby that we are safe and in the best place at the right time.

My contractions started naturally while I was walking that day. Contractions increased their intensity while I was dancing. They continued throughout the night but I managed to sleep. In the morning I could feel I was already in labor. Contractions were increasing. The consultant had advised that in labor I should be in the hospital on CTG – a belt to monitor baby’s heart and movements. I was really confident and sure, so I was in the birthing pool at home. I did not go to hospital at that point. I was listening to my intuition and following what my higher self was telling me. Thanks to Lina, that helped to heal the fears I had and connect with my soul and get the answers I need.

I went to the hospital when contractions were really often and intensity was very high. At 17:00 on the 11th June 2023, I went to the hospital. At 17:57 pm I gave birth naturally, and at 00:30 they sent us back home on the same day...

...Thank you so much, Linas, for the inner power, strength, and self-belief you gave me during the session. Baby and me are perfectly happy and healthy. Baby was born naturally, healthy, and calm. I had an amazing experience with my birth, and baby was calm throughout the whole process.

I would recommend Linas to anyone who is struggling with anything psychological, emotional, and physical.

I cannot express more my gratitude towards you, Linas, for making this experience of birth, instead of synthetic oxytocin, to giving birth naturally and having an amazing experience of birth of my second daughter.


Relief Within

I usually managed to deal with my inner imbalances and ailments, but due to sudden changes and dynamic experiences related to the arrival of my first child, I developed strong inner tension.

In recent months, I often felt on edge, nervous, and sometimes even physically tense. On the surface, my life seemed so stable, but I often asked myself over and over again what was wrong. Questions piled up without answers, and the tension within me manifested in physical sensations.

I contacted Lina, and even during the first session, I felt significant relief. Generally, I am always skeptical of spiritual practices and alternative forms of healing, but in this case, I decided to trust Lina. During the session, I felt strong pulsations in the head area, and the tension in my body dissolved. All the tension vanished, and the frequent obsessive thoughts also disappeared.

After just two sessions, the significant tension became a thing of the past, along with the nervousness. I would recommend Lina's efforts to anyone who wants to get rid of tension and intrusive thoughts without pills and without hours of psychoanalysis!

From Heavy Burden to Lightness

My name is Todor ******, and I am 58 years old. I was eagerly looking forward to the session. Before the session, I had trouble sleeping and was terribly swollen because I have kidney issues and am currently overweight.

After two sessions within one week, my body visibly began to recover, and the heaviness I was carrying was released. My sleep also improved—I hadn’t slept normal for more than 20 days.

On a mental level, I was freed from negative thoughts, and my mind was liberated from intrusive thoughts.
On an emotional level, I was filled with positive thoughts.

I sincerely thank Linas for her wonderful work and the help she provided. I wish her health and the continued strength to wholeheartedly help people.

The White Rabbit

I have started the healing sessions with Linas few weeks ago. The first 2 were quite fast, about 15 minutes. Even though this short time I was able to experience different things within my body. At one time I felt the heat in my lower back, in the way that something really hot touched it. The other short one I felt like with deep breaths my body felt like it became lighter and it gave me a slight feeling of flouting.
The last session was the longest one, in the beginning I did not really feel anything but slowly, I began to see different siluets, of a man or different animals. During the process I started seeing colours. First was green when my eyes were closed, it felt like I am overwhelmed my this colour, as it was too much. Then the colour changed in red then blue , and it felt like those 2 colours balanced the green . And after I opened and closed my eyes again I saw a flash of a pink 🩷 colour. During this process my hands were laying on my stomach at the time when I started seeing those colours it felt like my hands became one with my stomach (which was making a lot of noises). After I saw a wolf that was looking straight at me, and this wolf slowly vanished and I sow white colour. When I sow white it gives me feeling of peace , my mind was clear, I felt total relaxation. When the white disappeared after a second or so I felt like it was a good place to stop and I opened my eyes. The session was over.


I am 29 years old. I have epilepsy and started treatment – my condition has improved. It was a very interesting feeling, it felt like I remembered my parents for the first time. Those who knew me were surprised that I began to see them differently. I started treating my spine, and that has also improved – I feel less pain, and my weight has increased: I weighed 49–50 kg, now I weigh 50–51 kg. When I meditate, I feel peace and warmth. Sometimes it happens that I feel pain if the area that is usually painful becomes active. I have become happier, started to view life differently, and developed a desire to meditate on my own. I have become more active, less nervous, and at the same time, I experience significantly fewer seizures. Personally, this has helped me a lot, and I feel happy.

Personal Reflection

In addition to the experiences shared by my clients, I'd like to share a personal reflection that embodies the spirit of my healing practice:

I am who I am,
Carrying out my deeds unaltered.
Only trails imbued with heart's passion merit pursuit,
I may not discern my destination, yet my compass is my heart.

Cherish your being, extend love to another,
These are the essence of existence that truly matter.
I am but a fleeting instant in the grand tapestry of time,
As significant as a solitary pebble lying on a meandering path.

Perhaps in solitude, or perhaps a fragment of the vast

Maybe unseen to the passing gaze, or perhaps transforming a life.
I may rest unchanging in my present locale, or embark upon a journey,
With you as my companion, into the enchanting realm of mystery and magic.